Wednesday, April 30, 2008


In unit 5 the subtopic that I interested most is reading 5.3 which is explain about types of exposition. There are two types of exposition discussed in this part which ‘persuading that’ and ‘persuading to’. From this, I could see the different between them both when the writer clearly explained that the two types of persuading has been categorize into hortatory and analytical exposition and it included with examples. The most subtopic that attracted me is the Personality in Exposition. The writer has been discussed that in conversation or dialogue our feelings and attitudes could be seen just look at the structure of the sentence or words used in the sentence. One another elements could be seen is the expressions of our words such as Yuk and Pah that has been stated in the reading on page 23.

Besides, whenever we have to discuss the metaphor part, I could not clearly understand. In this chapter, the writer discussed on the function of the metaphor in making sentences and to recognized the words used to another similar meaning. It is quite hard to identify what are the similar and suitable words to be replacing.

Next, regarding to reading of ‘Out of Puff’ that talk about an approach to stop smoking. This article is a good approach in order to advise the readers to stop smoking and also avoid from being a smoker. The article explains a lot about the advantages of smoking such as disease that could be infected by smoker and unconsciously the people around them could be infected too. Other than that, the writer also provides some way that could be followed for the smoker slowly to stop their smoking habit in the kicking butt box. There are also having stated the organization in way to help them by giving nicotine replacement therapy, medication, and the support. The most important thing that the writer do is he storied about other people experienced like Lisa and Caroline so that readers could take it as a lesson.

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