Tuesday, March 4, 2008



In unit 3, the information that I find interesting mentioned in the article ‘Truth about youth’ are the approach had been doing by Youth Alive spokesman Terry Stuart to help the youngsters in way giving counseling to them in facing their life problem such as suicide. Furthermore, the signs mentioned as a warning such as previous suicide attempts, verbal threats of suicide, any changes in behaviour, giving away personal possessions, substance abuse and so on should be alert by recognized all the criteria might have in their friend that have potential to suicide.

Nevertheless, there are some tasks that I could not understand. From my over view towards the article, the heading and caption itself already explained about the issue that usually happen to the young people. But, the writer used an example about a nuclear dump and it was stated in paragraph 32 at the first line. A question come to my mind, why the writer used the example even the media said it not related to the young people issue that has been discuss on in the article. The caption stated ‘Young people have identified youth suicide, road deaths and the environment as the most concerning issues in their lives. Education……….’ The writer should closely example about some issue that might relate to the environment.

In the reading the approach that I have take is the important to get know what happen in our surrounding not just to our self, also the others and the nature or environment. The youngsters himself should know how to help friends by alert to their surrounding and the issue happened. The writer showed the example of the issue that involved by youth. The spokesman and the public such as neighbour mostly look up this issue as quite serious matter because they concern that the young people also part of the society.

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