Thursday, March 20, 2008


In this unit, I interested with the first reading (Reading 4.1) ‘Body language that speak to muggers’. The writer come out with the body language of a pedestrian could cause them to be a victim to the muggers. The way muggers see someone who got the potential to be the victim or not is based on the way their walk whether they easy to get rip-off or hard. By told this to the readers, they could aware on their surrounding especially to the pedestrian who walks alone or even with partners.

Nevertheless, there are some difficulties on my reading in reading 4.4 on page 61. In the reading, the writer comes out with four examples of common statistical slips that might consciously or unconsciously. The last example, misleading presentation get my attention to question it because how the statistical could be misleading when it in graphs. From my own knowledge, I found that there is an axis ‘y’ and ‘x’. So, the statistical should not easy to be manipulated because the shape or the exact condition will show that is totally wrong. People will realize the mistake just by they performed the graphs.

Based on the reading 4.2, the writer reported about the overscheduled or overworked among kids until them running out of time for fun, I totally disagree towards the approach taken by parents. This is because their children should have time for fun and be like normal kids. The overscheduled had been doing by parents can cause to negative growing process because they are treated like a teenager or an adult style and it was wrong. They is way how to teach and treat children according to their age level and parent should be alert and have knowledge so that they know how to use the appropriate way to teach their child.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008



In unit 3, the information that I find interesting mentioned in the article ‘Truth about youth’ are the approach had been doing by Youth Alive spokesman Terry Stuart to help the youngsters in way giving counseling to them in facing their life problem such as suicide. Furthermore, the signs mentioned as a warning such as previous suicide attempts, verbal threats of suicide, any changes in behaviour, giving away personal possessions, substance abuse and so on should be alert by recognized all the criteria might have in their friend that have potential to suicide.

Nevertheless, there are some tasks that I could not understand. From my over view towards the article, the heading and caption itself already explained about the issue that usually happen to the young people. But, the writer used an example about a nuclear dump and it was stated in paragraph 32 at the first line. A question come to my mind, why the writer used the example even the media said it not related to the young people issue that has been discuss on in the article. The caption stated ‘Young people have identified youth suicide, road deaths and the environment as the most concerning issues in their lives. Education……….’ The writer should closely example about some issue that might relate to the environment.

In the reading the approach that I have take is the important to get know what happen in our surrounding not just to our self, also the others and the nature or environment. The youngsters himself should know how to help friends by alert to their surrounding and the issue happened. The writer showed the example of the issue that involved by youth. The spokesman and the public such as neighbour mostly look up this issue as quite serious matter because they concern that the young people also part of the society.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Topic 2 covered three reading which is ‘Language, perspective, ideology’, ‘Texts and textualities’ and ‘Battling the bullies’.

I was interested to over view the article ‘Battling the bullies’. Battling the bullies storied about bully cases happened on a school children who has been tortured by schoolmate. Ms Watson son always gave reason to not go to school session because of the dilemma he faced at school. Sometimes he asked his mother to pick up him, showed his petrified faced so that he could stay at home. The most interesting one is whenever Ms Watson spy out her son at school to find out what exactly happened to her son. After she got the cause of her son behavior change, she referred the problem to the principle. Unfortunately, there is no action taken. She is very responsible mother and concerned about her child routine in all day to give the best education to him. She also makes sure that her son will get the best treat for his own future. For instance, she transferred her son to another school and as the result, her son are looks forward to school each day.

However, there is some part that I difficult to understand in the readings. Based on my reading 2.2 ‘Language, perspective, ideology’, I quite confused about the concepts used of the white perspective, black journalist and the black audience or readers and the relationship between writing and readers perception.
Moreover, words used are high lexis and the examples given are not much in elaboration to the used of the concepts or term mentioned in the reading. The writer should used example by using other different way, so that, readers could understand more such as picture and words together to make a situation or elaboration could be seen clearly.

Next, my over view towards the reading ‘Battling the bullies’ for the firs reading are not too clear. It started in paragraph fourteen because the printed article has some missing words. I tried to predict the words, so that could I understand the article better. Unluckily, I could not understand it perfectly. However, after discussed it back in the class, the help from friends and lecturer to complete the article, I could understand the overall story in the text. Additionally, when I am completing the port folio part in the study guide, my view towards the article being better by doing critical thinking.